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Reflecting on 2 Years of Razor Burn

Carrie Stanton surprised me with this incredibly thoughtful review of Razor Burn on The Miramichi Reader:

"This chapbook took my breath away. Razor Burn by Emma Rhodes forced me to look at the courage it takes to grow up, to venture boldly into adulthood, and to leave behind your life only to find you are your life."

As Razor Burn nears 2 years old and is now out of print (the great thing and also worst thing about chapbooks is that they're perfect ephemeral little objects!), I'm reminiscing on her life and all the sweet notes I've received. This small but definitely mighty book has reached readers I truly never imagined it would - I knew people who've shared similar experiences with me would resonate with the book, but didn't imagine it would resonate with so many people outside my own demographic. I've loved hearing from older women especially - telling me this book inspired them to write/read poetry, to think back on their own lives and appreciate how they got to where they are, and to go out without shaving (!!!). Razor Burn has lived a life and connected me with people beyond my wildest dreams, truly. Now it's time to get moving on my full length and start publishing new stuff again!

P.S. - I'm giving away one of the last few copies of Razor Burn on The Miramichi Reader's Patreon, so if you still haven't gotten a copy you'd better jump on it! $5 to join the Patreon which is half the price of the book .

P.P.S - 2 poems from Razor Burn are immortalized in The Anstruther Reader, celebrating 10 years of Anstruther Press (it's on sale!)

Please enjoy a little look down memory lane:

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